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  • Big Grapes For Big Benefits
    November 4, 2021

    Big Grapes For Big Benefits

    The muscadine grape is absolutely huge when you compare it to a regular old grape you’d find in your grocery store. And while its significant size difference has little bearing on how healthy it is, the truth is these grapes...

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  • This Grape = A Drug?
    November 1, 2021

    This Grape = A Drug?

    Would you take a grape that’s also a drug? Probably not, although people would argue that alcohol made from grapes is like taking a drug... But that’s not what we’re talking about. Instead, we’re talking about how a special kind...

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  • The Best Probiotic...Ever?
    October 2, 2021

    The Best Probiotic...Ever?

    If you suffered from a host of G.I. issues my guess is you’d want to take the best probiotic ever in order to get your gut issues under control, right? I know how hard it is to deal with constant...

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  • Tons of Healthy Antioxidants In 1 Capsule
    June 26, 2021

    Tons of Healthy Antioxidants In 1 Capsule

    In my article today I’m going to share with you all the reasons that the Plantoxidant supplement is great for helping to support your total health.   12 Ingredients Signal Health Supporting Benefits If I was to write extensively about...

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  • 4 Health Benefits Of Beer
    March 13, 2021

    4 Health Benefits Of Beer

    Beer. It’s probably the most American beverage we have. Which is kind of funny since beer actually originated in the Ancient Near East (think Iraq), was popularized in Europe, and really didn’t start enjoying popularity in the US until the...

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  • Chocolate + Protein + = ??
    February 15, 2021

    Chocolate + Protein + = ??

    Chocolate is known to be an incredible food. It’s revered for its antioxidant qualities, the healthy fat that it contains as well as the healthy caffeine it delivers. Plus, who can deny that chocolate is delicious? No one. There’s a...

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  • Why Is NO ONE Telling Us This about Melatonin?
    February 13, 2021

    Why Is NO ONE Telling Us This about Melatonin?

    Melatonin, it’s a hormone that you can’t live without. And it’s a hormone I’m always trying to optimize in my patients. The reason we need it is because every single day our bodies rely on melatonin to figure out if...

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  • The Monk Fruit
    November 14, 2020

    The Monk Fruit

    Have you ever heard of monk fruit? The name monk-fruit is funny-sounding, isn’t it? When I first heard of monk fruit a vision of an orange in a brown robe popped into my head. Turns out monk fruit is a...

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  • EGCG
    June 27, 2020


    EGCG isn’t a compound that you’re likely immediately familiar with. Which is funny to me because many of the bonafide health benefits provided by various “health drinks” you drink rely on EGCG in order to support your health. EGCG stands...

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