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How Coffee Could Help Those Suffering From This Terrible Disease

How Coffee Could Help Those Suffering From This Terrible Disease

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages.

It’s the object of great affection for billions, and for good reason too.

It tastes great, and there are a laundry list of beneficial reasons to drink coffee. It’s been shown to help with alertness, mental disorders, physical appearance and more.

And now it appears coffee might be able to help those suffering from colon cancer heal quicker and survive longer.

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Oncology was able to show those who consumed 2-3 cups of regular coffee every single day had a smaller chance of their cancer coming back and were less likely to die, will as well.

The study was conducted by Gastrointestinal Cancer Center at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

The subjects of the study all suffered from Stage 3 colon cancer. This particular stage is one in which the patient’s cancer has spread to the surrounding lymph-nodes but had not yet migrated to other tissue in the body.

After surgery and chemotherapy, each patient was required to keep a daily log of their diet and their exercise habits.

What the researchers found while observing their patients was startling.

Though their sample size was rather small (1,000 patien will ts), what they were able to conclude was coffee drinkers who tracked their daily intake and drank 24-32 oz. of coffee a day were 33 percent less likely to die of their cancer and were 42 percent less likely to have their cancer come back.

The researchers aren’t quite sure what the mechanism for these findings is. Some are led to believe its the active polyphenols and antioxidants in the coffee which helped to produce these results as people who drank caffeinated beverages like soda and or tea didn’t see the same benefits.

What’s most surprising is the manner in which the patient’s drank the coffee isn’t known as the researchers didn’t require them to write if the coffee was black, with sugar, cream, etc.

The reason the study was conducted in the first place was two-fold.

Dr. Charles Duchs, the director of the study said they wanted to see the link between colon cancer and diabetes as the two diseases have very similar risk factors.

He noted:

“We have actually in this cohort found that obese patients do worse, sedentary patients do worse, patients who exercise did better and patients who avoided a Western-pattern diet or a high-glycemic-load diet did better,” Fuchs said.

“The risk factors for adult onset type-2 diabetes seemed to influence the outcome of colon cancer patients,” Fuchs added. “The preponderance of evidence is that people who drink coffee have a lower risk of diabetes.”

Fuchs and his team really don’t know why coffee helped the cancer victims.

As mentioned above they theorize antioxidant activity, the affect on metabolism, even the interaction between the coffee and the microbes alive in the gut as being possible reasons.

While they study doesn’t prove coffee is a go-to for cancer recovery, they really hope other researchers can duplicate their results.


Talk soon,

Dr. Wiggy

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