Mushroom Coffees - What the Heck?
There was an ad several years ago from a company called Mud/Wtr that said, “It’s time to break up with coffee.”
The ad went on to become one of their best-performing ads because the idea of telling people to break up with coffee was so unconventional and really hard for people to believe was possible.
Unsurprisingly, only 1 in every few hundred people who saw that ad decided to actually break up with coffee for good.
But what this did create was an alternative market for people who wanted to have a hot drink that energized them but without some of the side effects associated with coffee.
I think coffee is great, so this isn’t an article telling you that you need to switch.
Coffee has a long history of proven benefits. It’s far better for humans than it is harmful (there are some caveats, but that’s not the intent of this article).
But as good as it is for us, some people simply can’t tolerate it or don’t like it.
That’s where mushroom coffees come into play.
Today, I’m going to talk about them and explore their benefits.
I’ll show you how they’re better for you than coffee (yes, they can be). And where they may let you down.
No brand recommendations will be forthcoming, but I trust you can take the info I give you and make a decision that suits you best if you have to.
What is “Mushroom Coffee?”
Mushroom coffee seems like a misnomer, doesn’t it?
It’s kind of like, “almond milk.” You’re looking at something that is inherently different and saying it does, or is, the same thing.
Except MOST mushroom coffees have just a little bit of coffee in them.
Many people’s issues with coffee aren’t necessarily that they don’t like the taste; it’s that the high caffeine content and acidity can disrupt their hormones, interfere with cardiovascular function, and irritate the stomach.
Mushroom coffees use a very low amount of coffee as a base for their ingredients and then top it off with a variety of mushrooms.
For instance, the brand EverydayDose has the following ingredients listed in their flagship product.
Lion’s Mane Mushroom: Known for supporting cognitive function and focus.
Chaga Mushroom: Offers antioxidant properties and immune support.
Collagen: Supports skin, hair, and joint health.
L-Theanine: An amino acid found in tea leaves, known for promoting relaxation without drowsiness, often to balance the effects of caffeine.
Organic Coffee: For the caffeine boost and flavor.
When you look further into the ingredient list, you see that the coffee contains only 45 mg of caffeine, which is much lower than the amount in a standard cup of drop coffee.
They also focus on using low-acid coffee.
If you’re a coffee drinker who depends on coffee to help you poop (you know who you are), or hate the fact that coffee loosens your bowels, it's the high acid content that’s producing this effect.
So using low acid coffee and cutting the caffeine content helps you avoid many of the issues associated with that morning cup of Joe.
Everyday Dose uses collagen (probably as a “special ingredient), and while I don’t think this is bad, it’s not there to help you “feel” like you’re getting the same thing out of your mushroom coffee as you would the real thing. In theory, they put it there to help heal and soothe your gut to deal with the coffee they did include.
Now, the next component is the mushrooms they use.
I’ve written about mushrooms before if you want more in-depth information.
Mushrooms like the ones many mushroom coffees add to their elixirs are believed to help energize you and also help you deal with stress (something coffee is not good for).
Here are a few of the highlighted benefits associated with the mushrooms added to many mushroom coffees
Energy and Endurance: Mushrooms like Cordyceps can enhance physical performance and energy levels without the jittery effects of regular coffee.
Enhanced Focus: Lion's Mane is often highlighted for supporting brain health and improving focus.
Immune Support: Chaga and Reishi are revered for their immune-boosting properties.
Stress Reduction: Reishi is also associated with relaxing effects, helping to reduce stress and promote better sleep.
There are other mushrooms added to coffees, to be sure, but those are covered in my article above.
The point here is you can get energy and focus from mushroom coffees if that’s what you’re trying to get from regular old coffee.
Will Mushrooms Coffees Let You Down?
I think if you’re the kind of person who depends on a lot of caffeine to make it through the day then yes, they will. With many mushroom coffees having 50 mg or less of caffeine, there’s not a lot to help stimulate the body in that regard. I would argue though if you respond well to Lion’s Mane or Cordyceps then this may be a non-issue.
If you enjoy the jittery feeling that coffee provides, yes, they wil let you downl.
Taste is another thing that may disappoint. Many people like the taste of coffee and mushroom coffees typically have a nuttier, earthier taste. So that’s another thing that may be disappointing.
Ritual is another thing that may fail.
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys the process of preparing beans and then making coffee every morning, the idea of just pouring a packet of mushroom coffee into a cup of hot water may be a let down. I don’t think this will be a big deal for many of you though, have the reason the ritual matters is because you like the feeling coffee gets. Mushroom coffees could do the same thing.
The verdict here is I think mushroom coffees may work for many people. And the wonderful part about them is if you don’t like mushroom coffees, there are other options available to boost energy levels.
Respond to this email if you’d like to hear what they are.