Welcome to Health As It Ought To Be... A Little About Us
Perhaps you’re wondering who we are…maybe you’d like to figure out what makes us tick.
If you’re serious about taking control over your health…if you’re tired of feeling miserable and believe there’s a fix, then you’re in the right place.
The team at Health As It Ought To Be consists of Dr. Weston (Wiggy) Saunders and Dr. Bruce Lantelme (Lann-telm).
There’s so much information (and misinformation) out there it can be difficult to figure out what the right steps are to start feeling better.
Right now the two of us practice at a thriving medical practice in Winston-Salem, NC called Robinhood Integrative Health. Typically, patients come in to see us to regain lost energy and to correct persistent health problems other physicians haven't been able to rectify.
And the most common words to come out of our patient’s mouths are, “I haven’t felt this good in years!”
It’s such a blessing to be able to provide this kind of care for our patients, and we don’t take any of it for granted. We were designed with a purpose, and that purpose is to help bring people into a life of robust, vibrant health.
At the end of the day, we’re physicians whose highest aim is for you to experience peak health. Our primary goal here is to point you in a direction where you experience…
“Health As It Ought To Be.”
Hence, our namesake.
We’re grounded in medical science, but we don’t operate like a traditional doctor’s office.
Our aim isn’t to treat your symptoms…it’s to figure out why you’re not feeling well in the first place and to fix that aspect of your health!
It’s a novel concept in a world caught up in prescriptions, pharmaceuticals, and misdiagnoses.
While we can’t promise anything in terms of cures for medical conditions, we can say this with confidence.
Everything you see on this site…
All the information we learn and share with you…
Any product we offer…
Could very well help you experience “Health As It Ought To Be.”
That’s why we’re here, and we’re so glad you’re on our site and interested in joining us on a health revolution.
Dr. Wiggy Saunders & Dr. Bruce Lantelme