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  • A New Risk Associated With Tylenol
    November 24, 2017

    A New Risk Associated With Tylenol

    It seems like Tylenol can’t catch a break. Tylenol, also known by its generic name acetaminophen, has a laundry list of problems associated with it. Recent studies show that it’s much likelier to cause liver damage than we once thought....

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  • Do You Really Know About *r**?
    August 5, 2016

    Do You Really Know About *r**?

    My guess is a lot of you wonder why I write about people's nutritional deficiencies all the time. Honestly, the reason I'm always e-mailing you about yet another deficiency is because of what I see in my office on a daily basis.Think...

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  • The Addiction I Kept Hidden
    January 15, 2015

    The Addiction I Kept Hidden

    First off. I don’t do drugs. I’ve never done drugs. Anything illegal or illicit is not something I’m interested in, and obviously, totally against. But, the truth is, I did have an addiction. And, boy, was it bad. Before I was...

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