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  • All-Natural Banaba Helps You Lose Weight?
    December 11, 2017

    All-Natural Banaba Helps You Lose Weight?

    If you just read that headline and thought I misspelled "banana," you'd be wrong...I did not misspell banana. As you can see, I spelled it correctly twice here; I've even got a spell-checking app to help make sure I don't...

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  • How To Use Your Brain To Lose Weight
    December 6, 2017

    How To Use Your Brain To Lose Weight

    What if being in the moment and appreciating this exact time in time and space could help you lose weight? Would you try and do it more than you do? And what if quieting your mind helped you shed pounds, would you be still...

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  • 5 Surprisingly Simple Weight Loss Tips
    October 30, 2017

    5 Surprisingly Simple Weight Loss Tips

    One of the #1 health concerns of Americans, according to the CDC, is weight loss. Most people want to lose weight because they think it’ll make them look better...quite a few more people know they should lose weight because it’ll...

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  • 7 Amazing Health Facts about Zucchinis
    July 31, 2017

    7 Amazing Health Facts about Zucchinis

    The other day I wrote about anti-inflammatory herbs and foods you can grow to create a medicine chest in your backyard. I know many of you reading this don’t necessarily have the time or the space to grow all kinds...

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  • Help Curb Carb Cravings With This Rare Mineral
    September 19, 2016

    Help Curb Carb Cravings With This Rare Mineral

    A lot of people who step into our office initially struggle with maintaining a healthy diet. This isn't an indictment on them as a person; it's hard to eat clean while living in America. Everywhere you go there are sugar-laced diet traps....

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  • The Best Reasons To Take Alpha Lipoic Acid
    April 9, 2016

    The Best Reasons To Take Alpha Lipoic Acid

    If I told you I advised some of my patients to "drop acid" you'd probably think I should have my medical license revoked.Well if we were talking about LSD then you're absolutely right.But go ahead and relax a bit, I...

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