Sovereign Laboratories Gastrodefense Overnight Cleanse - 60 Capsules
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The first clinically proven, all-natural formula for overnight cleaning and relief from constipation. Comparison clinical studies with popular remedies show GastroDefense Overnight Cleanse to provide superior benefits. No other formula has been shown to be as effective, yet gentle, non-habit forming, with these added benefits:
- Helps remove harmful toxins
- Helps reduce stomach/gut fat
- Helps restore overall bowel health
- Helps reduce acid reflux
- Helps reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL)
- Helps increase levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL)
Benefits of GastroDaily Overnight Cleanse
Purpose: to cleanse the bowel and body of compacted fecal matter and toxins and restore healthy bowel flow.
The first clinically proven all natural overnight relief from constipation: proven 97% effective
- Helps reduce acid reflux
- Provides proven heart health benefits
- Helps reduce and keep off adipose tissue (gut fat) build up
Guaranteed safe and effective: use as often as needed.
Non habit forming does not produce excess gas and discomfort.
Please see the Supplement Facts tab for a full listing of the Ingredients in this product. In summary, it contains: Proprietary Blend:* (Cape Aloe, Rhubarb Root, Chabulic Myrobalan, Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, Passion Flower, Peppermint).
Supplement Facts
SUGGESTED USE: Take 1-3 Capsules With 8 Oz Of Water Before Bedtime To Safely Relieve Constipation Overnight.
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories. The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.