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As you know, everything’s getting canceled right now.

4th of July fireworks?


The Olympics?


The school year?


It’s a crazy time to be alive, but one thing that will not be canceled is our commitment to helping to keep you well.

Read on if you want to see how you can benefit from Magnesium Malate and why it’s preferred over many of the other varieties of magnesium you could take.

Why You REALLY Can’t Skip Out on Magnesium

To support your health, maintaining magnesium levels is a no-brainer.

Magnesium serves as a cofactor in 300 enzymatic systems and is involved in 600 separate cellular reactions.

If you were to pull all of your magnesium out of your body right now (which is only about 25 grams) you’d find that your health would deteriorate rapidly.

Even though the amount of magnesium you need is less than an ounce total it’s crucial for making sure vital systems function at max capacity.

The National Institute of Health says this about the role magnesium plays in bodily function.

“[It] regulates diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis. It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm.”

To put it bluntly, if you want to live, and live well, you want to maintain adequate magnesium levels.

Problematically, as Dr. Wiggy has written about, there is a massive deficiency of magnesium in Americans (and most Westerners).

Conventional farming practices have stripped magnesium from the soil which means it rarely makes its way into food stores in adequate amounts.

Thus, a vast number of people are walking around with far less magnesium than is ideal.

As Dr. Perlmutter notes, if you display the following list of symptoms there’s a chance you’re deficient in magnesium:

  • Irritability
  • Lethargy
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat

Supplementing is a great option for helping to maintain healthy magnesium levels, and magnesium malate is one of the best sources of magnesium for the following reasons.

Magnesium Malate Has this Unique Property that Makes It “The Best”

Look, when we talk about magnesium malate being “the best” we don’t mean that other forms of magnesium are bad.

However, if you buy a supplement with the intended purpose of boosting magnesium levels you’re going to want to get your money’s worth.


And that’s where magnesium malate shines.

Magnesium malate combines magnesium with malic acid from fruit.

From the research we have, it’s believed that magnesium malate is better absorbed than the other forms of magnesium. Which means it can help to reduce a deficiency better than the kinds that don’t absorb as well and pass through the gut.

In addition to that, magnesium malate’s use of malic acid could help it so that magnesium crosses the blood-brain-barrier better, where it could help you shed unwanted aluminum that has built-up in the body.

Plus, malic acid combined with magnesium is associated with energy boosts. So, it has that going for it too.

Dr. Wiggy and the crew at Robinhood Integrative Health always recommend magnesium malate for helping boost your total magnesium levels.

And because they’re seeing a number of patients with low levels right now, they want to make sure anyone who gets these emails has a chance to fix that deficiency.



Talk soon,

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