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Say Yes to This Non-Dairy Form of Kefir

Say Yes to This Non-Dairy Form of Kefir

Have you ever heard of kefir?

You probably have, especially if you’ve spent more than enough time in the dairy aisle. I’m not judging you…I promise!

Traditional kefir is a fermented milk product similar to yogurt. It’s fizzy, got a tangy taste, and is quite beneficial for total health.

In fact, it’s been used for centuries by cultures in the Middle East to help feel better.

The word “kefir” literally means “the good feeling one has after drinking it.”

That’s a Turkish translation if you’re wondering.

Many cultures have used kefir for centuries without knowing exactly what makes it so good for you.

What’s interesting is research has revealed some exciting benefits associated with kefir. Almost all of it confirming what people discovered well over 1,000 years ago. Follow these links to see exactly what kefir can do for you.   (1, 2, 3)

Now here’s where I have to deliver a bit of bad news. Most kefir is derived from dairy, which as I’ve noted numerous times, isn’t beneficial for our health.

To see why I don’t recommend dairy, please follow this link to see an article I wrote on the subject.

Now here’s where there’s a little good news.

There’s actually a non-dairy form of kefir available to you, and it’s made from the incredibly versatile coconut.

What is Coconut Kefir, and What Is It Good For?

Coconut kefir is nothing more than fermented coconut water.

As you might have guessed, since there’s fermentation going on inside coconut water, you might assume there’s something good brewing inside this concoction.

A bonus about coconut kefir is it tastes amazing!

The reasons coconut kefir is to be recommended are similar to why you would drink a dairy kefir.

1. Coconut kefir is high in probiotics. These healthy bacterial elements have a broad range of benefits.

We know many forms of bacterial probiotic are incredibly healthy. These probiotics can:

  • Help Restore regular digestive health
  • Can help with absorption of vital minerals
  • Can help make bones stronger

And so much more.

As Chris Kresser notes:

It [kefir]  is a potent probiotic, consisting of both bacterial and yeast species of beneficial flora, and may help protect against gastrointestinal diseases. It has also been demonstrated to improve lactose digestion in adults with lactose intolerance.  In addition to providing the gut with healthy symbiotic microflora, many studies have also demonstrated the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of kefir.  Certain bacteria strains from the kefir culture have been shown to help in treating colitis by regulating the inflammatory response of the intestinal cells.

2. It’s extremely hydrating. One of the benefits of coconut water is its ability to hydrate quickly. Coconut water is actually used in place of IVs in undeveloped countries as well in emergency situations. And these properties translate into the product of coconut kefir.

It’s been shown to work quite well to hydrate in the gut and can even help to heal the gut flora as well as enhancing mucous membranes in the intestines which helps promote the presence of probiotics.

3. It contains beneficial yeasts:

Natural News even writes:

 “Coconut Kefir also contains beneficial yeasts that are known to hunt out and destroy pathogenic yeasts in the body. These beneficial yeasts are considered the best defense against dangerous yeast organisms like candida. They clean, purify, and strengthen the intestinal walls and help the body become more efficient in resisting dangerous pathogens such as E. Coli, salmonella, and intestinal parasites.”

4. It’s easy to make: The good news is making coconut kefir isn’t difficult.

In fact, it’s all contained inside of this short little YouTube video.

Now it should be mentioned that coconut kefir isn’t going to be as powerful as dairy kefir.

This is primarily because dairy based kefirs have proteins and other nutrients coconut kefir is lacking.

However, that’s also what make dairy based kefirs hard on your body. Those proteins and sugars can be stressful on your gut, and since coconut doesn’t have them, it’s easier.

So the trade-off is worth it.

Get to making your own. I promise, unless you’re allergic to coconut, you won’t regret it.


Talk soon,

Dr. Wiggy

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