Methylene Blue
The first time I read about Methylene Blue, I was not sure that what I was learning about was “natural.”Only in the sense that the name reads like a pool chemical, more than a bioactive substance. Although, it is s...
The first time I read about Methylene Blue, I was not sure that what I was learning about was “natural.”Only in the sense that the name reads like a pool chemical, more than a bioactive substance. Although, it is s...
Depression is one of the most common and most devastating medical problems physicians like myself deal with. 16 million Americans are diagnosed with clinical depression. And many more suffer under the veil of depression without an actual diagnosis. Over the...
Green tea. It’s one of nature’s most beneficial beverages as it contains far reaching health benefits that many other beverages will never manage to provide. Now, I do want to take a second and talk about a really big problem...
All over the nation, millions and millions of Americans are down in the dumps.The sad truth is the number of people who struggle with depression and anxiety is at an all-time high. And because that’s true… the numbers of people taking drugs to stabilize their mood are also at an all-time high....
When it comes to helping people feel better, live longer, and eradicate many of the disease/conditions we deal with on a regular basis, I can think of no better medicine for these than food.It's a simple input and output formula: put...
Every single year, millions upon millions of dollars are spent advertising one class of drugs as the end-all-be-all solution for mental health problems.Leading the way in overall prescription rates are: antidepressants. These drugs are meant to help address chemical imbalances in the brain,...
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.It's a saying we try our best to practice here at Health As It Ought To Be.Of course, I don't want you to think all we do is hand out prescriptions...
Let me start off by saying the following information could be considered controversial. Guess that’s how it’s going to be... Truth is, I’m not really a "rock the boat" kind of guy. At the same time, I didn’t get into...
Pregnant Mothers Beware – Antidepressants Might Cause Autism When Taken in This Trimester It’s estimated 1 in 45 children born in the United States will be be diagnosed with autism. That’s fairly alarming and indicates there’s got to be something going on beneath...