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  • The Addiction I Kept Hidden
    January 15, 2015

    The Addiction I Kept Hidden

    First off. I don’t do drugs. I’ve never done drugs. Anything illegal or illicit is not something I’m interested in, and obviously, totally against. But, the truth is, I did have an addiction. And, boy, was it bad. Before I was...

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  • What I Didn’t Tell You About Mutating Humans
    January 9, 2015

    What I Didn’t Tell You About Mutating Humans

    In my previous article I helped uncover one of the bigger problems that most people face when it comes to their health. I showed you how people are turning into freak mutants who shoot lasers from their eyes and turn invisible...

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  • A Plant so Powerful It Can Stop Bullets
    January 9, 2015

    A Plant so Powerful It Can Stop Bullets

    At some point in your life, you’ve likely heard of something referred to as being “bulletproof.” There’s bulletproof glass, bulletproof vests, you might have even heard of bulletproof coffee (coffee with grassfed butter instead of cream). The term bulletproof means...

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  • A Vitamin Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About
    January 6, 2015

    A Vitamin Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About

    So, I’ll just go ahead and say this. Just because your doctor won’t tell you about about this vitamin doesn’t mean they wouldn’t if they could. It’s more likely your doctor just truly isn’t aware of this vitamin’s importance. This...

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  • Should You Avoid This Type of Exercise?
    January 4, 2015

    Should You Avoid This Type of Exercise?

    For those of you who know a little bit about me, you know that I take health as well as fitness pretty seriously. Before becoming a physician full-time, I dabbled in some recreational activities, activities like soccer. Ok, dabble might...

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