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  • Weird Benefits Of Berberine
    July 8, 2021

    Weird Benefits Of Berberine

    Do a search for berberine on our website and you’ll quickly realize it’s one of the topics we cover frequently. Why? It has everything to do with how long people have used berberine… how many times people have studied it…...

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  • New Study On Berberine
    July 5, 2021

    New Study On Berberine

    As anyone who’s been listening to Dr. Wiggy may remember, he believes many of our health woes could be undone if we battled blood sugar issues. His preferred method is a dietary angle, along with exercise. But when it comes...

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  • 5 Benefits Of Bilberries
    May 22, 2021

    5 Benefits Of Bilberries

    I like blueberries, and so do most of the people who live on the planet. We put blueberries in drinks, We make pies with blueberries inside, we put blueberries in smoothies, and if given the chance, a lot of us...

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  • You Asked For It - Here It Is (Berberine)
    March 22, 2021

    You Asked For It - Here It Is (Berberine)

    You’ve probably noticed a theme here this past year. We offer sales on our products on Monday and Thursday. We have dozens of products so we can’t reasonably promote them all the time. We move through them in cycles. The...

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  • Is Grass-Fed Beef Really Worth the Price?
    March 6, 2021

    Is Grass-Fed Beef Really Worth the Price?

    A few years ago I came across a quote about the price of organic food. I get that organic food can be expensive, and spending more is tough for sure. But as the quote eloquently put it, “you think the...

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  • Why Our Customers Love This Protein Shake
    February 18, 2021

    Why Our Customers Love This Protein Shake

    If we thought 2020 was crazy… 2021 is showing up as a dead-ringer for the year before. Which is why we wanted to tell you about what people were saying about one of our products. And they’re ALL good things....

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  • Weird, Really Weird
    February 4, 2021

    Weird, Really Weird

    You might think what we’re about to tell you is weird, really weird. We think you should take a “smelly horse” today. You read that correctly, in fact, everyone should take a “smelly horse”. The reason why is we think...

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