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  • The Addiction I Kept Hidden
    January 15, 2015

    The Addiction I Kept Hidden

    First off. I don’t do drugs. I’ve never done drugs. Anything illegal or illicit is not something I’m interested in, and obviously, totally against. But, the truth is, I did have an addiction. And, boy, was it bad. Before I was...

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  • Is This the World’s Most Important Antioxidant?
    January 9, 2015

    Is This the World’s Most Important Antioxidant?

    The world of medicine is exciting and constantly changing. What was believed to be true yesterday might be proven to be false tomorrow. This is both good and bad. It’s bad when you’ve been doing something the wrong way for years thinking...

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  • What I Didn’t Tell You About Mutating Humans
    January 9, 2015

    What I Didn’t Tell You About Mutating Humans

    In my previous article I helped uncover one of the bigger problems that most people face when it comes to their health. I showed you how people are turning into freak mutants who shoot lasers from their eyes and turn invisible...

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  • The Untold Dangers of Leaky Gut
    January 9, 2015

    The Untold Dangers of Leaky Gut

    One of the major theories that we operate on here at Robinhood Integrative Health is, if you can fix the gut, you can fix many of the other health problems you might be battling. As much as your brain controls how...

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  • Why Eating Chocolate Is Good for You
    January 9, 2015

    Why Eating Chocolate Is Good for You

      Chocolate sometime’s gets a bad rap. Other times it is well deserved, but when you eat the right type of chocolate, it could really improve your health. In my professional opinion, Americans should eat more chocolate. Of course, I’m going to clarify that...

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