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Magnesium Update

Magnesium Update

Did you know that we’ve sold out of our Magnesium Malate several times in the past?

Yeah, we’ve done that more times than we can count.

Ok, that’s not true, we can count how many times… and we’d say it’s too many, but the truth is y’all just like it so much that we can barely keep up with the demand.

And based on what we’ve got going on right now (a coupon) and an impending flu season about to hit, we’re thinking we could sell out of our Magnesium Malate another time or two.

Which is why if you’re looking to reorder some, or need to get some for the first time, you should act quickly and grab a few bottles today.

Get yours here.

Magnesium Helps Support Your Health In So Many Ways

Magnesium is a must have in a healthy body.

And as we’ve shown you, and as Dr. Wiggy has shown you, it’s critically important for so many health functions.

Research shows magnesium helps support the following….

  • Relieves stress
  • Supports the body’s ability to handle anxiety
  • Maintains Neuroplasticity
  • Helps maintain attention and focus
  • Natural painkiller
  • Supports heart health
  • Keeps bones strong
  • Enhances control of inflammation
  • Helps keep blood sugar balanced

And dozens, if not 100s of other ancillary benefits.

We’ve collected a ton of Dr. Wiggy’s articles on magnesium and put them below.
Magnesium Might be the Key to Your Health

Why Low Magnesium Levels Aren’t Normal

Seriously Great Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip On Magnesium

How Magnesium Chloride Can Help You Recover From Exercise Quicker

80% of Americans Are Deficient In It

Reverse Hundreds of Symptoms With This One Trick

We have more on the site, if you want to see them. 

Yes, Dr. Wiggy is that serious about making sure you get the right amount of magnesium in your diet.

Remember this also, magnesium malate is a preferred source of magnesium for helping fix a deficiency as it is extremely bioavailable.

What does that mean?

Well, if you’re using magnesium for bone health, or for your heart,  or the other things listed above, the best way to get the benefits you’re looking for is to absorb the most amount of magnesium possible.

If on the other hand you’re looking for a laxative effect, you won’t want the magnesium to absorb… you’ll need it to go to your intestines where it can evacuate your bowels

So, that’s why the bioavailability of this version of magnesium is so important. 

Remember This Too - It Helps With Immune Support

We plan on following up on this area of magnesium benefits in our next email, but suffice it to say, magnesium is essential for a healthy immune system. 

Now that doesn’t mean taking it every day will prevent you from ever getting sick…

But if you’re seriously deficient in magnesium there’s little doubt your immune system won’t be able to effectively resist assaults from pathogens that could kill you.

Here’s your link.




Talk soon,

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