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My Least “Recommended” Sugar Replacement

My Least “Recommended” Sugar Replacement

One thing that I’ve been camping on lately is dietary fat from animal sources is a good thing, and the intake of sugar is actually bad for you.

It’s definitely caused a bit of confusion amongst my readers.

And most of that confusion isn’t necessarily the science behind what I’m saying but rather comes from the talking points people believe.

Well, I’m about to do it again.

Here comes another wrench in the cogs.

First, you should avoid sugar as best you can.

As you probably know by now, sugar can be found in foods that are labeled “low-fat” and “fat-free.

They’re also found in fruit juices, teas, sodas, and a ton of other dietary sources.

But, while you’re at it, you aren’t any safer by switching to anything “diet.”

I’m sorry! I really am sorry!

It’s like I rain on your parade, and then I tell you no more parades for the rest of your life.

So what’s up? Why no diet replacements?

The answer = Aspartame.

Aspartame is the world’s most popular artificial, low-calorie sweetener and it’s also the #1 contributor to adverse food reactions.

You might know aspartame as Equal, or Nutrasweet.

It’s in most all of your diet sodas, fat-free dairy products, gums, and low-sugar candies.

And it’s the devil.

Here’s Why Aspartame’s The Devil

Aspartame was discovered by James Schlatter. Schlatter was trying to find an anti-ulcer drug when he created aspartame.

Though it was discovered in 1965, it didn’t make it into food products until 1981.

Part of this is because when the company that manufactured aspartame tried to get it to market, a neuroscience researcher named Dr. John W. Olney and consumer attorney James Turner filed objections.

After several years it was finally approved, and then GD Searle (the company who invented aspartame) sold the additive to the Monsanto company.

If you don’t know about Monsanto and their many bad practices, watch some of this when you have a chance.

But, back to aspartame.

The reason aspartame is so dangerous is because the three main ingredients that compose this sweetener are actually all poisonous to the body.

Aspartame is made up of 40% Aspartic Acid, 50% Phenylalanine and 10% Methanol.

None of these chemicals work well with the body, and most importantly, they all damage the brain. Keep in mind that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are OK in very low amounts, but that’s it.

Aspartic acid is known as an excitotoxin. Excitotoxins excite the brain’s many neurotransmitters in a way that ends up damaging their function.

The way aspartic acid works is it actually becomes a neurotransmitter and causes the transmission of information from neuron to neuron.

Unfortunately, since it’s an excitotoxin, it ends up killing neurons in your brain because it allows too much calcium into these cells. This, in turn, triggers excessive amounts of free radicals, which later leads to cell death.

Here are some of the conditions that this kind of activity in the brain can produce.

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Nausea
  • Low Mood
  • Numbness
  • Slurred speech
  • Muscle spasms
  • Weight gain
  • Rashes
  • Hearing loss
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Tachycardia
  • Insomnia
  • Vision problems
  • Seizures
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Anxiety attacks

Pretty ugly list, wouldn’t you agree?

Well, it gets worse. Researchers have even noted (through hundreds of studies) that if you suffer from a chronic condition, aspartame will act as a catalyst and make your condition much, much worse.

    And remember, that’s just what happens from one of the three ingredients in aspartame.

    Two More Reasons Aspartame is So Deadly

    Aspartame also contains Phenylalanine.

    Now phenylalanine is already contained inside of your brain.

    Some people suffer from a condition known as PKU and PKU prevents them from processing phenylalanine.

    Whether you have PKU or not, excessive levels of phenylalanine are not good for the brain. Research has shown that elevated phenylalanine can have many negative effects on mood. 

    The elevation of phenylalanine in the blood is particularly harmful for infants in-utero as well as developing children.

    The problem with much of the research around this substance is this: Many of the early studies weren’t designed correctly. That’s why it was originally thought to be safe but now is being proven to be far more dangerous than ever anticipated.

    The last bit of the puzzle is methanol’s inclusion in aspartame.

    Methanol is a “wood alcohol” and is a poison to the body.

    And the consequences of methanol absorption in the body are pretty severe.

    Get this…

    When methanol is absorbed by the body it actually will break down into formaldehyde. That’s right, the same exact substance used to embalm corpses.

    Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. And since methanol produces formaldehyde, there are provisions against how much you should take in.

    According to the EPA, the most methanol you can safely bring into your body at any time is 7.8 mg/day. As luck would have it, a one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol.

    That means there’s going to be a whole bunch of neurotoxins coursing through your blood.
    If you rely heavily on aspartame sweetened products, you can count to ingest anywhere from 100-250 mg of methanol a day, more than 14-32 times the EPA limit.

    And let’s not forget the numerous symptoms that result from methanol poisoning.

    They include:

    • Retinal damage
    • Nausea
    • Headaches
    • Gastrointestinal disturbances
    • Numbness and shooting pains in the extremities
    • Behavioral disturbances
    • Weakness
    • Ear buzzing
    • Dizziness
    • Blindness
    • Obscuration of vision

    And much more.

    It’s even known to interfere with DNA replication and can lead to birth defects.

    It’s a bitter pill to swallow, knowing some of your favorite foods you thought were good for you actually aren’t.

    I wanted to take a moment to share one more video with you. It’s  a quick refresher on how harmful aspartame really is.

    Before I let you go I want to let you know something…

    Yes aspartame is bad, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t other low calorie sweeteners you can use.

    Once you finish this article I suggest you look at all the labels on any food you have. If one of them has aspartame in it, throw it in the trash.

    I’ll be covering some of the other artificial sweeteners in a new email.  Despite what you might think, just because it’s labeled natural doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

    In the meantime.


    Talk soon,     



    Dr. Wiggy



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